Over the past week, there have been lot of anti King sentiments regarding his 'takeover'. There's been a big hue and cry about loss of democracy in Nepal.
We've seen democracy and what has it given us? Nothing. It's made the situation in Nepal worse day by day to the point that there was not even a glimmer of hope for Nepal or Nepalese.
The only hope for Nepal was for a powerful leader to stand up and take charge; and the King has done exactly that. Nepal cannot stand more bickering of these incompetent and corrupted politicians who are killing the soul of mother Nepal little by little.
We wanted democracy because that was in fashion. We tried it out, and we know that it does not work. Democracy is good for a country with a strong foundations and infrastructures in order to provide a good governance. But, for a country like Nepal without any foundations nor infrastructures, the hue and cry for Democracy is like trying to add floors after floors to a house with cracked foundations.
In a country where more than half the population does not even know the definition of Democracy - democracy is only a tool for the select few involved in politics - to show dissent towards the governing body - in order to fulfill their own little projects on the side. Nepal is not ready for democracy. Nepal will be ready when we have a strong foundation and infrastructure.
At this point who can create this foundation and infrastructure? Can the maoists do this with their killing spree and disrespect for life? Can the different political parties even make any difference - while being busy trying to cash in on their 15 minutes of power? The answer is NOBODY can do it besides the KING.
The king is human, he's made mistakes in the past. His son is not the ideal kind of person that we would like him to be. But, if you don't believe that this move by the KING creates some kind of HOPE for NEPAL, then you need to rethink your position and rethink what is good for NEPAL and the Nepali. This is the only hope that Nepal has in order to get out of the mess it's in right now. Instead of creating hurdles and creating more difficulty for the King, it's time for all of us to come together and lend a helping hand so that the King is able to do what he's set out to do. Let him get rid of all the corrupt politicians - we don't need them. Let him try to bring some highly awaited peace in Nepal - because he's the only person who has the ability to do so.
There are no other alternatives. I've seen people go into fanciful episodes of describing their utopias. But, they need to come down to earth and understand that their utopias are just a figment of their imaginations. This is reality. Only the King is capable of doing what needs to be done, and he needs us to be behind him not against him.
One of the most important undertaking for the King right now would be to build an EAST to WEST highway in Nepal that connects Nepal as a whole. In this emergency rule, he should be able to direct a chunk of the coffers and aids and the property of corrupted politicians into this project.
... to be continued