Heres my money:
Reformation of country needs reformation of public outlook, and how better to do that then
acknowledge that not everyone thinks and works the same way.
Sure, everyone demands instant gratification; when hungry, you want your food as fast as
possible, infact, instantly would be a very good deal! But the way I see this concatenation of
individual views into one big public channel has led to people drawing expectations from each
and every individual to make an extraordinary effort; to shine out. Which, offcourse, is a good
thing, but its not ALWAYS possible. If miracles happened on a daily basis, they wouldn't be
miracles anymore.
Getting the country back on its legs needs the collective support of its citizens, a global
perspective which encourages people to take initiative to do something new. We got 29 million
people, surely if we are allowed to "think" freely, some good ideas might pop out (and some bad
ones like Hritik Roshan kanda). I think if this individual outlook of each and every Nepali is
updated to be compatible with each other's thoughts and actions, we got ourselves a good
prosperous nation. If not, well at least it doest hurt to dream rite? ;)
... keep the change ..
Last edited: 16-Aug-09 11:39 AM