I blame king Ganendra for all this happenings in the country....he knew that these thugs will further worsen the situation of the country .but he just kept quite ....i don't care 12 fagots died or fourteen fagots died during the kings move ...i don't care at all they asked for it they got it but what i care is ,,...those innocent 13000 nepalese.....what we have now ...you all know how they threw Ganendra out of palace with a proudness that they will create new nepal ...these dogs know nothing ....how many people had died so far ...and how many they want more....
3.atmosphere of fear
4.economic backwardness day by day
5.schools shut down
6.transportation blockade
7.scarcity of food, petroleum,energy
8.lack of discipline
These everything are boon of our Great netas who promised to create New Nepal. Is that the prachande who promoted our new National Anthem....what a big time lier was planning a coup by stabbing innocent People who cast their vote thinking that they will get that democracy that these dogs cried since the time of King Tribhuwan
Democracy is for the people by the people and of the people......where is that democracy....legislative executive and judiciary ...the three tyers of Government ..oh hell no where is the fu.kin constitution.... ...Prachande janta lai dherai na sata ...chod tero desire ....accept that you inspire your cadres to kill their own brothers and sister and you laugh with your inner core for ..one nepales gunned down ...
friends stop all these bull shit ......congress ,,,,UML , Rpp , Maoist , bla bla bla ....are nothing but we are something lets unite together and get the feeling of nationalism ....we need one person who is above all political desires and who loves his nepalese brothers and sister with his inner heart ...
say no to violence fu.......c and hell to all those killers ....please let us live ..stop your desires ...now its too muchhhh