You cant get an online cheap deal now. What happens at this time of the year is: travel agencies anticipate that people fly a lot during the holiday season and they buy most tickets at a very cheap wholesale price for retail purposes. Airlines usually reserve a small portion and sell most of them at premium prices (2K that you see online, for instance).
You have the following three choices.
1) Buy a 2 grand ticket online (easy way out, and you wont get good seats either).
2) Contact travel agents from Nepal (for all routes) /Dhoti land (Dhoti routes better be naked and no luggage, please) /Chinese (Shanghai/HK Routes) /Korean (Seoul/route), and check, if they are holding any tickets.
If they have anything left, then they will give it to you for around 1500 to 1800 (800-1000 what they paid +200 to 400, what the airlines would have charged you (non premium- think of this as a base price) + 300 to 600 their profit, depending on how many tickets are available, and also the day and month you are travelling.
3) Wait for the last minute and you just might end up getting a bargain (This works for off season, and if your dates can be flexible as needed)