As the year draws to an end, there are so many things we can reflect back upon as 2008 turning out to being such an eventful one- from four-dollar gas to Wall Street collapse, from historic election of a black (and white) President to nomination of a first female VP candidate-we had it all. The year in general has been a morass for most people I think. But no matter how things have materialized, we are definitely entitled to some fun. Fun is important because as Academy award winner Dustin Hoffman puts it "I guess making things fun is the only revenge you have against mortality (or anything else that is less or more dreadful to you)".
Speaking of fun, I have provided a link to some fun ( or funny things) we might have noticed on your tv or on youtube during the year which might shed light on the brighter part of the departing year.
the link
Feel free to post similar videos, anecdotes looking back at the year that might bring a smile to a reader's face.