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Posted on 05-10-08 3:11 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Is it hard to find job in SAP FICO? does anybody has any experience?
Posted on 05-10-08 3:56 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Well, I would definitely say NO to your question. Having said that, it also depends upon your experience, market, and company. If you are a beginner, then focus on core FI/CO like G/L, AP, AR, CCA, IO and PCA, whereas, learn the business process and system flow for AM, CO-PA and Product costing, so that you can at least talk about it. To learn the latter, as a beginner, will be a humongous task and you would lose interest easily as they are integrated with other modules as well. And, most importantly, learn the business process behind every config you do. How is not as much important as Why. Even focus on the integration with SD and MM coz whatever they purchase your liability (AP), and whatever they sell your asset (AR). As a FICO consultant for last 2 and a half years, I would definitely recommend FI/CO if you have passion for accounting and internal controlling. You will be directly involved in designing the entire accounting system and providing the best solution for CFOs. Not a cake walk though. I am sure you wouldn't mind lot of sleepless nights coz the pay back is beyond imaginable.

Posted on 05-10-08 5:24 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I totally agree with avicobain. At least a year you would have to face quite a few challenges. Get ready for a lot of sleepless nights..;-)

Posted on 05-10-08 6:59 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks avicobain and dreamworks. Actually, I've an accounting background but I don't have any experience in it.
As I'm trying to do FICO from Indian consulting company, they expect us to learn everything and get a job.
Do you think I'd be able to know the basic of it and get a job within few months? ????

Posted on 05-10-08 9:09 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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accounting basic knowledge is good to start with but like avicobain says business process and system flow is very important. and again if u have a good company with a fair marketing u certainly can get a job in SAP FICO. G'luck, shreaya!

Posted on 05-11-08 9:04 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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"FICO from Indian consulting company", make sure that they are SAP partners as well, I am sure there are bunch of those who are. This makes ur life a bit easy coz they are mostly involved into SAP. You wouldn't wanna go to a desi company who takes care of every available training into all areas of IT. You will be lost and the job in few months goal will be way out of question. Why??? simple, they will focus on ppl whose skills match the hot shot requirement in the market. So, join a company which is an SAP hub and are aware of the SAP implementations and requirements.

If joining another company is not an option as of now, H1B issues, then make sure you at least work hard to learn ur stuffs. Don't just wait and watch that someone is going to come you and spoon feed you everything in the training. I have seen ppl with 12 years (real) in FI/CO and still lost in so many submodules within it. So, like I said, know the business process and understand the basics, you will eventually learn everything in the job itself. Good luck and kick some butt

PS: having accounting background is an added advantage for sure.

Posted on 05-11-08 12:03 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am in the SAP FICO market for a while but it sucks when there are not many new openings. Any  FICO gurus who can advice how to find FICO Job. What would you suggest, perm or contract?How about certification? its is plus or negative?
Posted on 05-11-08 1:50 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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sent some stuffs.. check ur mail.. certification can never be negative, resumes with SAP logo separates itself from the crowd.. but tht doesn't mean tht it will give u a job.. you gotta make sure tht u make the best of the opportunity in terms of an interview.. don't screw it up.. up and down is the part of market cycle, it will take its own pace.. no doubt, go for perm if you land up in one..

Posted on 05-11-08 2:54 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks alot avi, it's really helpful. Guys lets invite all the SAP FICO Sajahian and share some ideas and advices.
Posted on 05-12-08 8:44 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks avicobain, I really appreciate it....Cow Boy, wat kinda certification do you have? r u with consultants?
Posted on 05-12-08 11:37 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I have SAP ECC6.0  Financials certification. Its not a big deal, you can pass it if you give good couple of weeks. i am trying myself right now and see if i come to realise i really need desi consultant then only i will go from them.

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