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 IPOD & ITUNES What??????????/
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Posted on 05-03-08 5:15 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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hey guys

i  bought  like 15 songs from the itunes store

 everything was going fine until yesterday

 i formatted my computer and my ipod too.

so there is nothing left in my ipod.

You guys have any idea how can i synchronize my ipod with all those songs that i have bought from itunes? 

any help will be greatly appreciated.


Posted on 05-03-08 5:27 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Did you save those songs somewhere? like a backup file? If you haven't then I am afraid it's gone.
Posted on 05-03-08 5:39 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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but somebody told me that it might be  stored in our library when we login into our account

thanks man


Posted on 05-03-08 8:14 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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just use limewire and get the songs, u dont need to buy  the songs, same quality, free of cost.

Posted on 05-03-08 9:48 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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   Why do u spend ur money to buy songs from i-pod?thats not a wise decision....there are so many software from which u can download songs and u can even get some songs from ur frens too.In ur case,if u haven't saved those songs in back up files,I don't think u will be able to get those songs back                   

Posted on 05-05-08 4:44 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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limewire ... go for limewire for free music... In your case I go with elusivecat and techguy.....

Don't go for itunes now... go for free...free totally free...limewire


Posted on 05-05-08 7:50 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Damn .........

U really did buy songs ??  I'm Surprised!!!  


Posted on 05-05-08 8:48 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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It seems you have set your ipod settings to auto-sync, which means every time you connect your ipod to your computer it replaces all the songs you have on your ipod with all the songs you have in your itunes library. When you buy songs off itunes, the files remain on your harddisk. If you delete those songs from your computer you won't be able to retrieve them again. Your iTunes library is not like your virtual harddrive which you can access from anywhere. So, when you formatted your computer you probably deleted all the music files you had on your computer. And when you connected your ipod, the songs you already had on your ipod but not on your computer got deleted as well since your ipod synced its library with the iTunes library. I tend to delete songs from my hard disk once in a while so I usually have my ipod on manual-sync rather than auto-sync. That ensures that my songs on my ipod remain there even when they get deleted from my iTunes library.

You said you bought those songs from iTunes. It's your choice if you want to spend money and be safe. At least iTunes is safer than limewire which is more risky for your computer. There is a much bigger chance of getting spywares, trojans and viruses through limewire. You can also rip songs off CDs.


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