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 SAP FICO Training Institutions/Materials
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Posted on 11-26-07 2:56 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi IT Geeks and Freshers Alike!

My recent research on some popular SAP Training Institution/ePackage for FI/CO modules have resulted in the following three sites - www.train4job.com ,  www.sap-topjobs.com and www.erpselftraining.com.

The first one provides online instruction for a group of 3 for 40-45 hours at the cost of $900. They provide 24/7 access to their labs for SAP software configuration practices. One can apply for a free Demo to get the feeling of what they can expect. The other two sites provide SAP FI/CO packages in CD and online. The SAP-Topjobs seems to dominate the online market with a comprehensive package which appear to be very detailed along with powerpoint presentations to back it up. The total cost is $629 until Dec 1, 2007. The last site has a Jump Start package for $50, which also includes CD with learning materials. The duration of the course is supposed to be 2 months, but that depends on your IT acumen.

I have provided these information as a reference to anyone who might be embarking to become the mega SAP consultant one day. If anyone has more information, recommendation on this particular training module or materials that are available at a low cost, sharewares, freebies, please feel free to share it in this forum!!

Thanks in advance for the generous souls! Peace!

Posted on 11-26-07 4:15 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Come on guys and girls...I am sure there are some of you who knows more about SAP than me. Please take some time to share information with us! I strongly encourage you as it could help a lot of people in this sector!

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