Why Girija wants to talk with Maoists?
Everyone is now surprised with the intention of Girija who
was completely silent Maoist activities, (he even did not speak
a word last year when Maoist close school for weeks)
and he was always against talks. The reason I have come with
my personal studies:
1. Deoba is getting success. (Prime reason). and Girija
is getting irrelevant in Nepali Congress, just the way Neharu Family
is now "NOT really valuable --necessary-- ".
2. This is only ladder left to Girija to get to PM post incase Army fails.
If Girija does not get PM post in next 6 months, he will die in
another 6 months. i.e. within one year.
3. He wants to invite Maoists for main streams politics, and it is
necessary after Bame-group (MALE merged in to UML), because
now UML does not have direct communist rival. Last time, when
they had local election, (of course UML used their power to misuse
the election, every one knows), they grabbed almost all local
representaitives. So, without a clear communist rival to UML communists
NC egg heads like Girija don't see future. He produced nothing
in his 5 tenures as PM, and he always played divide communists
and win. This can be a very cunning trick that Girija is thinking.
It can not be denied.
Agreements and disagreements are welcome.
Did you read Girija asking Maoists to kill him. Should Maoist kill him?
At this time? No. Girija le chyakhe thapi raheko chha to put his
daughter on high ranking CWC committee, just the way UML used
Madan Bhandari's wife to defeat KPB(?). Girija shoud die of natual
death, he should not be honored, he has not done great things,
to be killed by terrorists. Imagine Sujata to be NC President in case
of girija 's death by Maoist bullet or petrol bomb. Khume and
govinde deserve such mercy death, but, these two pay
money to Maoists in back yard, and I guess they also supply
information to Maoists where should they attack, so that,
Khume and Maoists can grab huge money from govt. account.
I still suspect, Khume might have paid huge sum to blast bomb
and kill police stationed at his own home. I am making this guess,
looking at the Sri Lankan Former President Prem Dasha. In Politics
you are not sure what kind of dirty games they play, "they =
corrupt politicians like Prem Dasha to Khume and Govinde".
Do you remember, Maoist blasted bomb outside Govinde ko
ghar when he was home minister? Do you believe its real
blast or fabricated (back door paid) blast? If Maoists had to blast
they could do it inside Govinde's own home baithak kotha.
Because, when I entered into Primeminister's quarter, I dd not
see any security checks, nor I had seen when I went to Former
DPM or current PM's private residence before he was PM.
I mean if the Maosis had real intention to blast Govinde's home
they could have gone inside it and easily done it, but, its
REQIESTED BLAST to keep himself under public attention that
he is under threat. Khume and Govinde , both are playing games to
accumulate as much money as they can.