Objective Assessment Datas Self Proclaimed NetFreak
Case History 1.Started at the age of 13, back then it was limited to causal chatting and email with close circle of friends.
2.After school(18 yrs), got addicted to it, thankfully left the country before parents booked an appointment to the therapist, due to the telephone bills & abonormal nocturnal habit.
Critical Condition An emergency period is declared if the WiFi goes down even for a single sec.
Pre Condition 1. Lappy , the most constant companion
3. Lappy gets rest hardly for one or two hours in a day , sometimes none.
4. 24/7 Virtually active.
5.'Refresh' the most favorite nail to hit from time to time.
Post Condition Can survive anywhere in the planet Earth, provided there is an Internet Access.
I wonder how many of us suffer from this syndrome!
If you do ,Welcome to the club!