somethings are out of your control. no matter how hard you try it is beyond your access. you feel it but you dont know what it is.
so many times i have tried to ignore it."'its just coincidence ,it does not happen in real world, its just my stupid thoughts" I have tried so many times to assure myself but in vain. these is someone deep down inside me who knows everything, my yesterday, my today and my tomorrow. it is completely aware of what is going to happen. it gives me 'hints'. everytime it cannot be coincidence or stupid thoughts.
'the outside' me seems to be running, ignoring and trying not to know more than it does but 'inside me' seems to be pushing and trying to open something.
oh god let my 'outside me' know nothing let 'inside me' stop pushing around or else let my 'inside me' know everything' . let it be in complete dark or in complete light.let this tug of war end.